Committed to Making a Difference
In July 2018, a group of 30 YBLA young leaders, parents and staff traveled to Cuba for a transformational mission trip. Our group lodged with Cuban locals, dined with them, learned their culture and gave of our own resources to serve others. The Cuban locals responded to YBLA's service with extreme gratitude.
Donated 12 laptops to a church in Cuba
Funded a Cuban teacher's annual salary to teach English and computer skills
Provided two deaf communities with new shoes, toys and supplies
Prayed for, washed the feet of, and provided new shoes to more than 365 children and adults
Sharing Hope, Love & Inspiration
The YBLA mission team partnered with Samaritan’s Feet to perform three Shoes of Hope shoe distributions. The goal of the Shoes of Hope initiative is to bring a life-changing message of hope, love, and compassion to people around the world. Every time a member of our team sits across from someone, they not only meet their physical needs with a pair of shoes and socks, but they share their love with them!
The Power of Motivation
Jaylen Sturdivant
"Today in Cuba we have transcended from what we previously thought as our “limit” to exceeding our own expectations. When our plans changed to include two distributions instead of one, it motivated us to work twice as hard. Today exemplifies the power of motivation and devotion to serving others.”
Creating A New Reality
During our visit to Cuba, YBLA was able to establish a computer lab for a local church school. The lab included laptops and software. YBLA will be returning to add more computers and to provide training to the local leaders.
Check out our trip
Want to get a glimpse of the mission trip? Below you will find a variety of photos from our mission trip to Cuba. Take a look at all the great work, fun and fellowship from this mission trip.
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